sexta-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2014

Sweden !! Cristiania !! Ice skating !!

On saturday i went to Cristiania with my parents, they took me there ause all the exchange wan a go, but is a rule from rotary that we can go just with host families or rotarians, cause there we have access for all drugs, and then they took me to ice skating and finally to the restaurant, was an amazing  day that we spent together, and sunday we went to my grandmother house, she is so sweet, we had dinner there, she put one elf for me with present and i needed to sang a song and so one, was really nice too, on tuesday finally i had my date, he came to my house, cause he already known my mom, and was so good. On wednesday i went to Sweden hahahah. Was so perfect, i went there with my danish class, our teacher took us because she thought that will be good for us to know about this amazing country and to see the christmas decoration and so on. Yesterday i went to my first boxing class, and was perfect i just love it, now i just need to buy the gloves and ... Just for u to know my family is so amazing, i already love then and my mom is so sweet, and cute. Ahhhh my host brother is in brazil now and he will return in one week exactly, and im s exertion to meet him. 

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